- 3 mac: etika professional(tghri) + ergonomik (malam)
- 4 mac: research method(pg) + organizational psych (mlm)
- 22mac: abnormal psych
assgnment that need to be submitted
- 1 mac: 2journal(individual)+ 1 (group) OP-hope can delay d date
- 2mac/5mac: English
- 14mac: abnormal (case study from hospital permai+ sklh kanak2 istimewa 1mac)
- 24mac: ergo group
- 8mac: abnormal psych
- 17mac: present ergo
- 23mac: present RM
*inikah dugaan utk ambik kos psychology ni....kuatkanlah hamba mu ni ya Allah...permudahkanlah urusannya...tenangkanlah hatinya...
*minta maaflah klu ada yg tak dilayan dalam miggu ni..huhu..tension~~
*for those who want to advise, support or anything else to me, I think this is d best time..;-(